Become a member

$25 per month

1 box of Slim Jim (20 filters)
1 box of Midway (20 filters)
1 box of Big Boy (20 filters)
1 rolling booklet.
[Cancel anytime]

Discounts, early product drops, and input on the products.
$40 per month

✔ 1 jar of Slim Jim (40 filters)
✔ 1 jar of Midway (40 filters)
✔ 1 jar of Big Boy (40 filters)
2 rolling papers
[Cancel anytime]

Discounts, early product drops, and input on the products.
$60 per month

✔ 2 jars of Slim Jim (80 filters)
✔ 2 jars of Midway (80 filters)
✔ 2 jars of Big Boy (80 filters)

4 rolling booklets
[Cancel anytime]

Discounts, early product drops, and input on the products.